dimarts, 4 de desembre del 2012


Ara que s'acosten les festes de Nadal i aprofitant la meva pràctica de l'anglès m'agradaria compartir amb vosaltres com celebrem a casa aquesta tradició amb un breu escrit. Espero que us agradi! 


Christmas’s Day is a good time to improve your relationships with your family and friends. Every year, for Christmas I used to go to my aunt’s house to still celebrate Christmas. On 24th of December my family and I used to celebrate a Catalan tradition: “Cagar el tió”. All the people in my family would celebrate this tradition every year because age isn’t a problem. So my grandfather’s cousin has done this celebration and he was 80 years old!
“Cagar el tió” is one of the elements of Catalan mythology and a very important tradition in Catalonia and Aragon. This tradition consists of taking a piece of the tree trunk before Christmas day and bring it home, where it is put in a corner with a blanket so that it doesn’t get cold and you give him food every day until Christmas Day when all members of the family "shitting" tió and it gives a gift: cd's, games, clothes, books, food, ...

Christmas Holidays are very special because you celebrate a lot of things. The 24th, 25th and 26th are continuous celebrations. Normally, we laugh and talk a lot but it has one disadvantage, we eat too much. 

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