divendres, 25 de maig del 2012


Continua la meva pràctica de l'anglès. Espero que us estigui agradant aquest nou sistema de publicació. Penso que si teniu un nivell d'anglès bàsic podeu comprendre els meus textos amb facilitat. Ara vaig més enllà de les recomanacions i faig un article sobre l'èxit. A gaudir-lo! Salutacions!

In the 70 being famous was well seen. In Spain, folk became international stars. Now, trash television has made the famous have a negative image, for example Belén Esteban. Although there are still people who have become famous for their own efforts. 
In less than two months will be a journalist and I think if I like it or not people know me. And I decide I do want people to know me but only if it is for my effort and as I do my profession, not my private life or how much money I make.
But being famous means much more than success. It means being subjected to the public. It means changing your lifestyle. It means that before leaving customs had to adapt to a world where you become the center.
In addition, success requires much more than being famous because success is the result of a whole effort. I think anyone can be famous to call public attention but success takes talent and effort. Rafa Nadal is a very good example of effort. 
An advertisement about the match between Federer and Rafa Nadal in the Wimbledon final of 2008. 

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