divendres, 25 de maig del 2012


Ja veieu, avui tinc ganes d'escriure. Em venia de gust recomanar-vos un lloc per anar de vacances i he pensat en l'estiu passat i el meu viatge a Mallorca. Va ser una experiència excepcional i us l'explico amb anglès de nou per seguir practicant. Salutacions!

It was a journey I will never forget. Last holiday I went to Mallorca. On the 1st of July my friends and I caught the boat to Mallorca. The journey look 9 hours and it was tedious.
At 7:00 a.m., we arrived in Mallorca and we saw the sunrise, it is very special. When we arrived at the hotel in Cala Major we unpacked and quickly we went to the beach.
The next few days were marvellous, we went to Palma de Mallorca , we visited coves, we went to the beach and to the swimming pool. We went to many nightclubs too. Besides the boat, we also caught the bus in Palma de Mallorca, because we visited all the monuments and the wonderful church. 
In Mallorca, the weather was very good and on the beach we were comfortable. There was only one day in which the weather wasn’t all that good, but it didn’t matter because we had arrived late at night and we didn’t awake. We were extremely tired!
Our trip was incredible. The preparation lasted for six months as it was our final trip. All the people in the class had had to agree on the destination and on the details of the trip. Fortunately, everything went well. The trip was worthwhile not only because we had great fun but also because it let us get to know each other more closely.
One special web with attractive offers: http://www.mallorcarutes.com/

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